Titles released by MetalGate Records
Please note that our e-shop currently covers only Czech Republic and Slovakia. However, if you are interested in anything that we released and/or published, drop us a line.
Gorgonea Prima
Total time: 42:59 * Style: industrial black metal * MetalGate 2017
Tracklist Brownfields / The Snow Falling Up / Fight Or Fall / The Worker's Song / Black / The Will Cancer / Lebenfraktur / Steeldust Cocaine / Fuel My Fire
"The local - as well as any other - scene needs such playfully contemplative albums as this one, and after for instance HEIDEN departed to different worlds, "Brownfields" resonates twice as much."
Postcards from Arkham
Total time: 40:14 * Style: post-rock * MetalGate 2017
Tracklist The Kvlt Ov Dream / Owls Not What They Seem / Thoughts Like Silver Bullets / Symmetric Kakophony / Leviathan / Dunwich Shaman / Wanderlvst / Valley Ov The Past Lives / Her Cosmic Song "Manta is an interestingly put together mosaic, which as if had three imagined contrasting parts. An uncompromisingly fierce beginning ("Thoughts Like Silver Bullets"), post-rock tranquil middle with touches of distant dreamscapes ("Wanderlvst") and finally a treat beginning with the opus "Dunwich Shaman".
Desire for Sorrow
Total time: 40:07 * Style: melodic black metal * MetalGate 2017
Tracklist Cold cell / Resurrection / Take the World / Visions / Army of the Dying / Edge of Abyss / Undead Thralls / Last Chapter / Derelict Race / Resentful Sun / Shadow Memories "Recorded in Sonidos Studio in Brno, this album has a big potential to captivate even those who listen to other metal genres. "Visions" is a self-confident album and Desire for Sorrow can take rightful pride in it. Cyberpunk concept, melodic sympho black, precision - DESIRE FOR SORROW!"
War for War
Illud Tempus
Total time: 40:21 * Style: industrial metal * MetalGate 2017
Tracklist Světlo přítomnosti / V těžní kleci květ / Illud Tempus / Zajištěná cesta / Černé duše mráz / Expanze důlních stěn / Zápary a ohně / Selhání „Illud Tempus is a mature and a meticulously crafted album, which sounds rather simplistic on the first go, but I guarantee that even after listening through multiple times you will keep coming across new things that you have not noticed before. The enjoyment of the album does not diminish, quite the contrary. Despite rather serious lyrics, Illud Tempus sounds poetic and in a way positive. An excellent industrial metal album!