• January: MetalGate Records published the Czech edition of "USBM: A Revolution of Identity in American Black Metal" by Daniel Lake


  • January: MetalGate Records published the Czech edition of "Black Metal: Into the Abyss", the fourth volume of the history of black metal by Dayal Patterson
  • April: MetalGate Records published the Czech edition of "Choosing Death: The Improbable History of Death Metal & Grindcore" by Albert Mudrian, editor-in-chief of the iconic American metal magazine Decibel
  • June: MetalGate Records released the 11th full-length "Paměť kamenů" by the Czech death metal veterans Tortharry
  • November: MetalGate Records released the split album "Sousmrtí" of the Czech black metal dyad NĀV and Hnus Umírající


  • January: MetalGate Records released the fourth full-length "Messtery" of the Czech thrash-death metal outfit Antigod
  • February: MetalGate Records published the Czech translation of "No Celebration: The Official Story of Paradise Lost", the authorized biography of the British gothic/doom metal legend
  • September: MetalGate Records published the second volume in the "Dělníci kovu" book series with the authorized biography of Vlakin
  • October: MetalGate Records released the third full-length "Trpte" of the Czech black metal triumvirate NĀV in cooperation with Naše desky


  • February: MetalGate Records released the "Pentagrammaton" special collection, i.e. the complete reissue of all solo albums of the Grandiose Magus Jiří "BigBoss" Valter
  • March: MetalGate Records published the Czech edition of the "Masterpieces" artbook by Heavy Music Artwork with the best metal visual art of 2019
  • April: MetalGate Records published the necroculinary opus "Necro Cook: Podivuhodná kuchařka Toma Necrococka a Houbové Marie" along with the EP "Tafelmusik (Das Vorgericht)"
  • May: MetalGate Records released the collection "Kärgeräs, Ztracený národ" with the literary adaptation of the eponymous mythical saga by Jiří "BigBoss" Valter and with the reissue of both albums of the Equirhodont project
  • June: MetalGate Records released the third full-length "Kontinuum" of the Czech alternative post-rock ambience makers Tengri
  • November: MetalGate Records published the Czech edition of "Black Metal: The Cult Never Dies", the third volume of the history of black metal by Dayal Patterson


  • May: MetalGate Records published the Czech editions of "Black Metal: Evolution of the Cult" and "Black Metal: Prelude to the Cult", the first two volumes of the history of black metal by Dayal Patterson
  • June: MetalGate Records released the anniversary 10th full-length opus "Altars of Ignorance" of the Czech death metal veterans Tortharry
  • August: MetalGate Records released the vinyl edition of the second full-length opus "Arcizlo" of the Czech black metal triumvirate NĀV in cooperation with Naše desky and The Barakos
  • October: MetalGate Records published the Czech edition of "Ronnie James Dio: A Biography of a Heavy Metal Icon" by James Curl


  • January: MetalGate Records released the second full-length "Flame of Rebellion" of the Czech death/black metal horde Purnama
  • February: MetalGate Records published the Czech edition of the "Masterpieces" artbook by Heavy Music Artwork with the best metal visual art of 2018
  • May: MetalGate Records released the vinyl split album "UR" of the Czech tandem of the post-metal icon Drom and the alternative post-rock veterans Tengri
  • June: MetalGate Records published the first installment of the new book series Dělníci kovu - the authorized biography of Tom Necrocock
  • September: MetalGate Records released the second full-length opus "Towards the Great White Nothing" of the Czech black-doom act Voluptas
  • October: MetalGate Records released the third full-length "Arrival" of the Czech melodic metal outfit Arch Of Hell
  • November: MetalGate Records released the 7th full-length “Old Dogs” of the distinct Czech metal veterans Six Degrees Of Separation, as well as the second full-length opus "Certa Omnibus Hora" of the Czech post-metal/doom quintet The Corona Lantern
  • December: MetalGate Records published "Diagnóza 19932020: Syndrom zapomenutého ticha", the oficial biography of the pioneers of Czech alternative metal Forgotten Silence


  • February: MetalGate Records released the eponymous debut album of the Czech black-doom commando Hnus Umírající
  • April: MetalGate Records released the Czech translation of the book “Non Serviam”, the first official biography of the Hellenic black metal legend Rotting Christ, as well as the fourth studio album "Toxin" of the Czech cyber metal orchestra Minority Sound
  • October: MetalGate Records released the debut album "Dethroned" of the Czech symphonic blackened death metal act Dustborn
  • November: MetalGate Records released the fourth full-length "Øakvyl" of the Czech Lovecraftian post-rock band Postcards from Arkham
  • December: MetalGate Records released the final solo album "Než zemřu" of the Grand Magus BigBoss and his ensemble BigBoss Band


  • January: MetalGate Records released the ninth studio album "Sinister Species" of the Czech death metal icon Tortharry
  • February: MetalGate Records released the debut album "Uv'Derekh" of the Czech post-black/shoegaze act DÆRRWIN
  • March: MetalGate Records released the second full-length "Dreadful Reflection" of the Czech hybrid metal horde Awrizis
  • April: MetalGate Records released the debut album "Amnesia" of the Czech melodic death/thrash metal outfit InnerSphere
  • May: MetalGate Records released the third full-length "W.R.A.T.H." of the Czech thrash-death metal battalion Antigod
  • June 28: ten years anniversary of MetalGate
  • August: MetalGate Records released its very first purely electronic album - the sixth studio album "In Situ" of the industrial metal mining consortium War For War
  • September: MetalGate Records released its very first purely acoustic album - the fourth studio album "Spirit" of the Lovecraftian post-rock project Postcards from Arkham
  • October: MetalGate Records released the third full-length "Within Destruction" by the Czech death-thrash metal outfit Nahum
  • November: MetalGate Records released the vinyl split "Fullmoon Alchemy Narcotic Session" by the post-metal icon Drom and the sludge-doom hydra Blues For The Redsun
  • December: MetalGate Records released "Kniha kovu III", the third volume of the probe into the history of Czech metal, and a special commemorative album "Retrorgy" of the Czech grindcore legend Isacaarum


  • March: third installment of the club festival Hellenic Darkness - sold out!
  • April: MetalGate Records released the fifth studio album "Illud Tempus" of the industrial metal mining consortium War For War
  • June: MetalGate Records released the second studio album "Visions" of the melodic black metal pack Desire for Sorrow
  • August: MetalGate Records released the third studio album "Manta" of the Lovecraftian post-rock project Postcards from Arkham
  • November: MetalGate Records released the second studio album "Brownfields" of the industrial black metal tandem Gorgonea Prima, as well as the re-edition of the debut album "One Day" of the symphonic metal hydra Arch Of Hell
  • December: MetalGate Records released "Kniha kovu II", the second volume of the probe into the history of Czech metal


  • March: MetalGate Records released the fourth studio album "Black Tracks" of the Moravian cyber metal squad Liveevil
  • May: MetalGate Records released its very first split album "Damnation & The Rotten Brood" of the bands Awrizis and Desire for Sorrow
  • June: MetalGate Records released the seventh studio album "Simple" of the Czech metal-soul icon Six Degrees Of Separation
  • August: MetalGate Records released the second studio album "Cygnus Oddyssey" of the Czech dark progressive experimental project Demimonde
  • December: MetalGate Records published first book in its career, part one of "Kniha kovu" by Václav Votruba, as well as released the anniversary re-edition of the complete discography of the Czech death metal icon Tortharry, "25 let mezi nebem a peklem", probably the most ambitious project of our label to date


  • January: MetalGate Records released the second studio album "Rebel Against Me" of the folkmetal tribe Cruadalach, the 30th title of our label
  • March: MetalGate Records released the sixth studio album "...and the foes have become our masters" of the deathcore warmachine F.O.B. from Tábor
  • June: MetalGate Records released the third studio album "Drowner's Dance" of the cyber metal squad Minority Sound from Prague
  • September: MetalGate Records released the second studio album "ÆØN5" of the Czech Lovecraftian post-rock project Postcards from Arkham
  • November: MetalGate Records released the second studio album "Wareligion" of the thrash-death metal company Antigod from Havířov


  • January: MetalGate Records released the third studio album "Dirty Rock" of the glam rockers Nobody Knows from Liberec
  • March: MetalGate claimed "Company of the Year" title in Břitva 2013 Awards
  • April: MetalGate Records released the second studio album "The Amazing Ascendancy versus Count Illuminatus" of the Vsetín-based progressive power metal warriors Ascendancy
  • July: MetalGate Records released the debut EP "Pass Into Oblivion" of the symphonic pagan-doom project Colosalist
  • November: MetalGate Records released the debut album "The New Generation" of the Slovakian death-thrash warmachine Revenge Division
  • December: MetalGate Records released the second studio album "Neotericus Universum" of the melodic blackened death metal killers Secret of Darkness


  • January: MetalGate Records released best-of album of the Czech thrash metal legend Kryptor "Best Of Fuck Off!!!"
  • March: MetalGate organized Hellenic Darkness Festival 2013 as the release party for the new Rotting Christ album; MetalGate Records released the fifth studio album of Tábor based death-metalcore warmachine F.O.B. "Reap what you sow", and the debut album of the crossover-post hardcore pack Area Core from Česká Lípa "The End Is Near"; also, the very first Břitva award for MetalGate - 3rd place in Company of the year category
  • June 28: five years anniversary of MetalGate
  • July: MetalGate Records released the fourth studio album "The Ring of Moon" of the ressurected doom-death icon Return to Innocence
  • October: MetalGate Records released its very first compilation "Out of Infancy - Five Years of MetalGate Records", and a debut album "Unforeseen Consequences" of the Litoměřice based warband Keep On Rotting
  • November: MetalGate Records released the seventh studio album "WhoreCraft" of the Czech grind-black perverts Isacaarum, and the eighth studio album "Follow" of the Czech death metal icon Tortharry
  • December: MetalGate Records released the sixth studio album " The Hike & Other Laments" of the Czech metal-soul cult Six Degrees Of Separation


  • May: MetalGate released the debut album "Behind The Smile" of the Prague based black-death metal act Genuine Reliefs, and the third sudio album of the Moravian cybermetal mages LIVEEVIL entitled "3 Altering"
  • June: MetalGate released its very first DVD "Drumming Syndrome", the project of Miloš Meier, one the foremost Czech rock and metal drummers
  • August: MetalGate released the second studio album of Prague based psy-core predators Dymytry entitled "Neonarcis"
  • September: MetalGate released the second studio album of Prague based cyber-metal project Minority Sound "The Explorer"; metal bands contest MetalGate Massacre launched its fourth installment
  • November: MetalGate released the third studio album of Vsetín experimental-metal band Abstract Essence, a conceptual story-driven piece "Love Enough"


  • April: MetalGate released the fourth studio album "Tomorrow's Fires" by death-metalcore warmachine F.O.B. from Tábor
  • June: joint open air festival MetalGate Czech Death Fest
  • August: MetalGate released the seventh studio album "Damned" by Slovakian death metal blasphemers Dementor
  • September: metal bands contest MetalGate Massacre launched its third installment
  • October: MetalGate released debut albums "(IN)HUMANITY" by North Bohemian melodic blackened death metalheads Secret of Darkness, "The New World Order" by Central Bohemian death-metalcore new blood Suffocate With Your Fame, and, under CZ licence, "Lead - Not Follow" by Czech folkmetal tribe Cruadalach


  • January: the launch of the first promotion tour in cooperation with MetalGate - Manifest Tour 2010 of Abstract Essence, supported by LiveEvil and F.O.B.
  • July: MetalGate released "Neser" album by Prague psy-core band Dymytry
  • August: MetalGate released the debut album "Analysis" by Prague metal-electronica project Minority Sound
  • September: metal bands contest MetalGate Massacre launched its second installment
  • October: for the first time, MetalGate organized a separate show as part of a tour of foreign metal bands - Reaping Death Tour Europa 2010 (Watain, Deströyer 666)
  • November: MetalGate released the seventh studio album "Beneath" by Czech death metal icon Tortharry
  • December: alliance pact with Tortharry, including merger of Czech Death Fest and MetalGate OpenAir festivals


  • April: the first club event under MetalGate - MetalGate Awakening
  • June: the first foreign guest on MetalGate OpenAir - Dutch death metal band God Dethroned
  • October: the first album christening on a MetalGate gig - EP "The Forgotten" by Czech gothic/doom metal band Demencia Mortalis; the launch of MetalGate Massacre metal bands contest; the launch of MetalGate eshop specialized on Czech and Slovak metal production
  • December: the release of the first metal album produced in cooperation with MetalGate - album "Manifest" by Czech multi-metal band Abstract Essence


  • June: the birth of MetalGate; the first installment of MetalGate OpenAir