Dear friends, how about some more literature? Not only black metal has its chronicle, but so too its two no less extreme siblings. Thus, the next item of our release plan for this year, i.e. in April, is the Czech translation of “Choosing Death: The Improbable History of Death Metal & Gridncore” by Albert Mudrian, the editor-in-chief of the iconic American metal magazine Decibel!

The book was first published in 2004, yet twelve years later, Albert revisited his opus, revising and expanding it in the process. And it is this second incarnation, published in 2016 by the U.S. publishing house Bazillion Points, that got the translation into Czech, offering thirteen chapters that map the history of both genres from their roots on the British punk scene in the lates 70s and early 80s to their renaissance in the first two decades of the 21st century.

V rámci našeho obvyklého zpravodajství si „Choosing Death“ samozřejmě představíme podrobněji, takže zůstaňte na příjmu.

Of course, there will be a closer look at “Choosing Death” in our usual release coverage, so stay tuned.

As always, enjoy and more next time!  

Video by Woll Design