Dear friends, the third installment of our coverage regarding the upcoming vinyl release of the "Arcizlo" opus by the Czech black metal triumvirate NĀV has arrived. Last time covered the album art, so let us dive into the album music, beginning with its genesis.
Today, we thus invite you to a brief virtual visit of NĀV's home turf, the city of Jindřichův Hradec, more specifically the Low Resolution Studio, wherein "Arcizlo" was originally recorded, as well as later on remastered specially for its vinyl release.
It is further apt to note that NĀV (as you can see from the studio report) are not hesitant to operate outside the orthodox black metal framework in their music, which is why the album features an array of "non-traditional" instruments, such as synths, organ, French horn, as well as kettledrums and gong that were provided by the Symphony Orchestra of Jindřichův Hradec.
So, enjoy and more next time!
Video by Woll Design