Good day friends, today's look into the kitchen of the eighth installment of the Czech metal feast MetalGate Czech Death Fest shall be literal, for we shall cover the on site catering.

It is no question that in the past, our festival catering left something to be desired and so this year, we are taking matters into our own hands so that your bellies can enjoy their time with us as well. Under the supervision of professional chefs, using home-grown ingrediences and in cooperation with the local producers, we are preparing for you a wide, yet simple assortment of meals, including breakfasts!



The golden ale produced by our partner brewery Primátor shall also be served as always, namely:

  • 10° Primátor pale
  • 11° Primátor lager
  • 12° Primátor Premium dark
  • wheat Weizenbier (holder of the Best World Beer Award from 2013)
  • semidark India Pale Ale
  • wheat fruit-flavored Chipper
  • Primator non-alcoholic beer and the favorite raspberry lemonade
