Dear friends, we have reached the fourth practical info announcement for the upcoming 13th installment of our/your Czech metal feast. This time, there are vital news to discuss as to on-site happenings on this year’s MGCDF. In short, we have gone cashless.
For four years, you had been using special tokens to pay for food, drinks or merchandise on our festival. To keep up with progress however, these are from this year onwards also a thing of the past, and we are moving on to an electronic cashless system that uses festival wristbands with integrated chips.
When first entering the festival venue, each visitor gets a wristband upon presenting his/her festival ticket (as usual). This time however, part of the wristband is a chip, onto which you will charge a credit, and with this credit you will then pay inside the venue. And when you run out of credit, you will simply charge more.
The way to charge your wristband chips is twofold:
First, on site. Just visit the festival reception to charge your chip with the amount you want. You can pay with cash or card for the charge. There is a 30 CZK fee for the first charge, all other recharges are free.
Second, in advance using an online app.
All vendors in the venue (merchandise, food, drinks etc.) shall be equipped with a special payment terminal. Making a payment is easy – just tap the wristband onto the terminal screen. After the payment is made, you will see on the terminal screen how much you paid and how much credit you still have available. You can also keep track of your spending online, by using the aforementioned app.
Last but not least, if you charged more than you spent, whereby you still have credit on your chip after the festival is done, you can claim your unspent credit in 14 days time following the end of the festival. Your money will be sent to your bank account.