The 20th anniversary installment of the iconic festival Brutal Assault approaches and MetalGate will once again leave its trace on the proceedings.
First and foremost, to BA 2015 we are once again sending a contingent of four MetalGate bands. The colors of MetalGate Records shall thus be promoted by MINORITY SOUND, TORTHARRY and POSTCARDS FROM ARKHAM. The division of MetalGate Booking shall be represented by MALLEPHYR, the promising newcomer to the ranks of Czech black metal legions!
Same as last year, we shall assume patronage over one of the festival stages, which will thus bear our name.
Last but not least, be sure to visit on site the MetalGate Czech Death Fest stand, wherein await you the special emission of tickets to MGCDF 2016, the merch of our festival and a selection of titles released by our label.
See you on BA!