MetalGate Records News
Our coverage pertaining to the upcoming new album "Wareligion" of the thrash-death metal warband ANTIGOD from Havířov is here!
You are surelly aware that at the end of this November, MetalGate Records shall release the new studio album "Wareligion" of the Havířov-based thrash-death metal grinder ANTIGOD! And that means, yes correct, that we begin our coverage about this piece.
Dear friends, we have breaking news out of MetalGate Records, a.k.a. your surely favorite entertainment column.
Our Cthulhumania (read: coverage pertaining to upcoming new album "ÆØN5" of the Lovecraftian post-rock project Postcards from ARKHAM is about to reach its apex! Today we dare to present to you the special edition of this album,
The stars are right! The second studio album "ÆØN5" of the Lovecraftian post-rock project Postcards from ARKHAM is out now in digibook format. Order on MetalGate e-shop!
Another segment of our coverage of the upcoming new album "ÆØN5" of the Lovecraftian post-rock project Postcards from ARKHAM-post rock is here.