Dear friends, onwards with the bookworming, which means that in February comes another addition to our collection of metal literature. This time, the opus in question is the “REVOLTIKON”, the autobiography of Bruno Kovařík, the main man of two iconic Czech death metal acts KRABATHOR and Hypnos!
It is of course these two bands, the pillars of Bruno’s career in music, that are at the core of the book, which was originally published in 2014. Now it returns to the esteemed readership in its third incarnation no less, with a complete visual overhaul, including the cover.
Out January 20 in hardcover! As usual, our edition will be in Czech only, though rumors appear of an English translation gradually taking shape.
Of course, there will be a closer look at "REVOLTIKON" in our usual release coverage, so stay tuned!
Video by Woll Design