Dear friends, with the arrival of Autumn, it is time again to dive into the remaining part of our release plan for 2022. Before that happens however, it would not be amiss to look back and sum up what we have released thus far this year.
And we must begin with the Grandiose Magus Jiří "BigBoss" Valter, to whose 70th birthday we unleashed two specialties no less. The first was the "Pentagrammaton" boxed set, i.e. the comprehensive reissue of all five solo albums of BigBoss with a brand-new design and artwork. The other one was "Kärgeräs – Ztracený národ", a literary iteration of the eponymous saga that permeates the whole of BigBoss’s music as the proverbial thin red line, and with it more reissues, this time of the two albums of the Equirhodont project.
Next came a treat for all fans of metal art, to whom we presented the Czech translation of the third volume in the "Masterpieces" art series with the finest metal-related artworks, this time from 2019.
Our third score on the literature front was the bible of all gourmets and hedonists by authors most competent, i.e. "Podivuhodná kuchařka Toma Necrococka a Houbové Marie", to which Maestro Necrocock even composed a unique Baroque soundtrack “Tafelmusik (Das Vorgericht)”, which additionally foreshadows his next full-length album.
The conclusion of the first half of the year was altogether musical in the vein of alternative post-rock of the new album "Kontinuum" by the Prague-based ambience makers Tengri.
Thus has been our year so far, and in case any of the aforementioned titles are missing in your collection, you can get yours on MetalGate e-shop:
Pentagrammaton | Kärgeräs | Necro Cook | Kontinuum