Dear friends, welcome to the fourth installment of our coverage regarding the upcoming literary adaptation of the saga of the mythical nation of Kärgeräs, penned by the Grandiose Magus Jiří "BigBoss" Valter, as well as of the related reissue of both albums of BigBoss's project Equirhodont. And today, we shall focus precisely on the latter.

In other words, we shall recall the 2003 debut album "Equirhodont Grandiose Magus", the first chapter of the tale of the creator of the Kärgeräs nation, the Magus Equirhodont. To that end, the customary music sample is in order, i.e. the final eighth song "The Monolith of Demons II", which we offer you as a lyrics video.

So, enjoy and more next time!

Video by Woll Design