Dear friends, sadly we have to announce a second change in the roster of this year's our/your Czech metal feast. Due to sudden family issues, the Belgian act KUAR NHIAL is unable to perform on MGCDF 2019, which is unfortunate, but we wish the band a good resolution to this emergency and further hope to see them next time.
As far as the new name to the vacant position is concerned, we are staying in the waters of alternative metal and thus welcome from the ranks of MetalGate Records the post-black/shoegaze act DÆRRWIN!
If you are following precisely such unorthodox vistas of the Czech metal scene, you surely have come across DÆRRWIN already, as this agile band has been on a steady rise since its inception three years ago. Beside their acclaimed debut "Uv'Derekh", these gentlemen are on a continuous streak of live shows both at home and abroad (including Netherlands, France or Hungary). Apart from the usual band-related activities, DÆRRWIN are also known for their strong involvement in the protection of life in all its shapes and forms. In fact, it is this subject matter they dedicated their debut to. On MGCDF 2019 you will thus have a chance not only to enjoy a state-of-the-art post-black made in Czech Republic, but also to ponder the "Quo vadis" question