Dear friends, slowly but surely, the 21st installment of Brutal Assault approaches and MetalGate shall once again be present as follows:

Same as last time, the third stage shall bear our name. Furthermore, we shall have our merch stand present, offering already a special emission of tickets to MetalGate Czech Death Fest 2017, MGCDF merchandise and titles released by our label as well as those available in our e-shop. Last but not least, we are once again sending a contingent of four bands into the battle, namely Liveevil, Demimonde, Antigod and Keep on Rotting, so be sure not to miss their shows!

Speaking of Demimonde, bear in mind that on BA 2016, you will have an exclusive opportunity to get your hands on their upcoming new studio album "Cygnus Oddyssey"!

Feel free to drop by and see you there!