On Saturday, the ceremony of Břitva Awards for 2015 took place as usual in Brno, and to our great delight, we managed to uphold the second place in the Company of the Year category!

We would like to thank all the publicists, whose votes made this happen. At the same time, we have to thank all the fans, whose support of our activities, be it gigs or releases, gives sense to what we do.

This June shall mark the eighth anniversary of MetalGate. Since our founding, we have been through a lot and took part in many things. Some turned out well, others less so, but that is how it goes. In either case, we persevered and we shall continue to persevere - on one hand for you, on the other hand because in our opinion the Czech metal scene is still not where it deserves to be. And if our activites can contribute at least a bit to its further cultivation, it is a damn good to carry on.

Once again, big thanks to all of you!