Dear friends, our line-up overview of the upcoming 13th installment of our/your Czech metal feast has reached its final leg. For this week's batch brings three names that finalize the whole MGCDF 2022 roster. All three are from the local scene, from the very neighborhood of our/your feast, and genre-wise, we are back in the extreme. Please welcome:
Fast, heavyweight and no dicking around… The locals of DEWDROP are bringing to the pit of MGCDF 2022 an uncompromising mayhem that will set ablaze not only all the grindcore maniacs, but also all the metalheads that revel in the genre of death. In case you are not yet acquainted with these butchers, take a listen to the “In Sump No One Can Hear You Scream” full-length with a gorgeously poisonous green cover. A feast for your ears!
Hailing from Hradec Králové, SCELETONS do enjoy the good old solid thrash/death metal, i.e. bands such as Death, Sepultura or Slayer… simply the classics! And does their passion translate into their own music? You bet! Expect no modern trends here, which is something that will certainly please all the fans who revel in the old days of metal. And take heed! SCELETONS recently released a brand-new full-length “Pandemic Chaos”, which you can check out for example on their Bandzone profile.
Of course, TORTHARRY cannot be absent on MGCDF 2022, for it is this legend of Czech death metal that gave life to the whole our/your Czech metal feast and remain at its heart till today! Last year, these gentlemen celebrated impressive 30 years on the scene, gifting themselves (and all of us as well) a well-done tenth full-length “Altars of Ignorance”. And does it show any signs of the band aging? Not at all! Even after three decades, TORTHARRY are still rolling like a bulldozer, both in studio and on live shows. Simply put, a steadfast bastion all genre fans can rely on!