Dear friends, today we are returning to the roster of Order of Evil 2019 | CZ, i.e. of the upcoming black mass of the Hellenic icons of VARATHRON and LUCIFER'S CHILD, once again to introduce another name - Barbarian Swords, who are joining the headlining tandem on the whole minitour.
This acoustic mayhem made manifest, playing true nihilist black doom metal, was established by the vocalist Von Päx, the guitarist Voice of Noise and the bassist Panzer in Barcelona in 2011. As the second of the aforementioned founding fathers mentioned in an interview for the Battle Helm e-zine, the goal from the very beginning was to play "nasty and non-technical metal" that would make its listener "travel to times when paganism wasn't subdued by Christianity". And since from all the metal styles, the founding trinity liked black and doom the most, they chose the mix of both as their sound.
BARBARIAN SWORDS unveiled their artistic vision on the 2012 demo "Crusaders of the Apocalypse", and have stayed true to it on their successive full-lengths "Hunting Rats" and "Worms", as well as on the "Tetrarchia Ex Bestia" split. In case of all these releases, expect no progressive approach or technical compositions, for the music of BARBARIAN SWORDS is not aiming in the slightest to be likeable. Quite the contrary, it strives to be as raw, filthy, amoral, agressive and blasphemous as possible.
No repreive is to be found on the upcoming new full-length "Totemic Anal Turbofucker" either, as the CVLT Nation e-zine described it as the most vile and harrowing (in the positive sense of course) album of the year so far. After all, the band did promise literal orgies of savagery and blasphemy, and the success is apparent.
Hear for yourself on October 18, when the album is released, and live then shortly thereafter on October 27 in Prague!